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MLR Training

This Money Laundering Reporting course is designed to assist the firm’s Money Laundering Reporting Officer and all staff to reduce exposure to penalties under Money Laundering Regulations. It is essential, and indeed required by law, to train staff and principals, to set up and operate proper anti-money laundering systems and to record and monitor the firm's MLR compliance.

This course provides staff training and competence record for accountancy firms that are required to comply with the Money Laundering Regulations (MLR).

The course is broken down into chapters with a compliance test at the end to ensure accurate record keeping. Each person must be allocated a licence to allow them to take the test.

The training takes viewers through an overview of Money laundering legislation, dealing with clients, reporting procedures and potential penalties.

MLRO's, take a look at the ‘MLRO Cheat Sheet’, a 20-minute programme, complete with supporting references and website links, that takes an MLRO through their responsibilities on a line-by-line basis. It’s designed to either reassure the MLRO that they have everything in place or, if not, to provide the resources needed to find the additional information or support required. 



Anti-Money Laundering Regulations - Is Your Firm Compliant?

Looking for an anti money laundering training course for you and your colleagues? Our course is designed for all accountants and tax advisers who are subject to the UK money laundering regulations. It is designed to update practitioners, their staff and subcontractors quickly and effectively and is available immediately to watch on-demand.

Broken down into four chapters or available to view as whole, the one hour programme is perfect for training new recruits or as a refresher on all the key elements of the Money Laundering Regulations and associated practical issues.

The course includes a test at the end to quiz the user's knowledge of the new regulations. On successful completion, users can also print a certificate enabling you to evidence their MLR training. Administrators can access all staff marks and see when colleagues have sat the test on one screen.


As well as viewing the programme, presented by respected trainer Giles Mooney and Money Laundering Reporting expert David Winch, viewers can download a set of revision notes to help ensure they've understood each section of the course and the issues they're likely to come across in practice.

Course overview


  • What is money laundering?
  • What are terrorism and proliferation financing?
  • The current Money Laundering Regulations
  • Policies, Controls and Procedures
  • Client identification, beneficial owners and PSCs
  • Risk assessments, red flags and addressing risks
  • Reporting of suspicions
  • Tipping off
  • Penalties and supervision of firms
  • Test

If you want to go ahead and enrol staff/partners for this training, choose the price plan, enter the number of delegates (licences) and click the “Add to basket” link to complete your purchase. Licences are valid for 12 months.

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